1st Corinthians 12:26-27
So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it.
I am a member of Christ's Body
There was a movie back in the ’70s called “Three Musketeers”. One of my favorites as a child. It was actually a book written in 1844. The three main characters had a statement they would say that personified their relationship. It was, “All for one, and one for all!” Their attitude was, in good times, we are with one another, and in bad times we are with one another. Awesome, right? Everyone wants this kind of friend! This mindset was not invented in 1844. Its ideology is found in this God who has adopted us! He says through Paul, the writer of the letter to the church in Corinth, hey if one of us suffers, we all suffer, and if there is something to rejoice about, we rejoice together! Here is how this relationship you have now with Jesus is different from others:
No jealousy. Jesus wants to smile and high-five when things are going well in your life, and weep with you when times are tough.
No pride. Jesus wants you to join Him in making much of others. Of serving the body of Christ, not demanding the body to serve you.
No exclusion. Jesus wants you to know you are a part of HIS BODY. His heart. You are always included.
Smile! You are a part of the Creators' family, and you matter to Him!
What’s the worse thing about being excluded?
What’s the best part of having a relationship with someone who is completely selfless?
What’s the benefit of long-term security in a relationship?