Philippians 4:13
I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.
I am able to do all things
We have come from darkness, into the light. We want to make better choices. God says to you and me this is possible only through Jesus. This is the key. Check this out: through in the original language is ev. It means a fixed position in time, space, or situation. THE ONLY OPTION FOR DOING ALL THINGS WELL IS UNDER JESUS AUTHORITY!!
Paul was talking about being able to stay under Christ’s authority in ALL THINGS. To be strengthened to make Godly choices. Here are some examples:
1.) Friendships
Friendships are primarily about God, secondarily about you. IN CHRIST, your friendships can bring God great glory!
2.) Work
Your professional life can be a hard place to navigate as a Christian. IN CHRIST, you can make the wise choices
3.) Marriage
Becoming one with someone else takes a lot of work. The results are amazing, but apart from Christ, the results are not good. IN CHRIST, husbands and wives can make decisions that give God glory, and show care for their spouse
4.) Parenting
The second greatest joy (First is my marriage) of my life has been being a Daddy! Is it easy to be a parent? If it is, you are doing it wrong!! IN CHRIST, Moms and Dads can make decisions that bless their kids and disciple them for the glory of God!
What is a non-negotiable ingredient in making peanut butter cookies?
Do you like following instructions? Why or why not?
If you were to trust this process of being under the authority of Jesus in every situation, what would have to change? Be specific for your life.