Ephesians 1:3
Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ.
I am blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing
Have you ever asked someone how they are doing and they respond, “I’m blessed!” What does that mean? The word blessed is eulogio, where we get the English word, eulogy. This is when someone says nice things about someone after the fact. “He was a good man”. “She always looked to the needs of the company”. “They were constantly helping their neighbors”.
God blesses us with good words! He calls us His children, righteous in Christ, set apart, saved, but the blessing is more than good words, it is actually good gifts! Here is the rest of the definition of eulogeo:
1.) To celebrate
God makes much of His children, therefore, GOD MAKES MUCH OF YOU! Yeah, you. You are unique to Him. Valuable!
2.) To prosper
Literally to experience prosperity. Maybe financial, maybe healthwise, but DEFINITELY in spiritual gifts!!
3.) To make happy
As Christians, we anchor ourselves in the joy found in eternity. We find joy in hard moments because we know that Jesus has overcome all adversity and hardship. AND…there are happy moments for Christians. Guess who has given them to you as a gift? Your heavenly Father.
4.) To favor
I went to pick up my 13-year-old from school today. There were a LOT of 13-year-olds at her school. I favor Mary over all of them. Why? Because she’s my daughter! We as Christ followers are favored by our heavenly father. How awesome is that?
What is your favorite meal? Why?
Favorite present ever given to you?
What is the best gift you have given someone? How did they respond?