Ephesians 5:19-20
speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
I am able in any circumstance to be thankful!
When I was 7, Superman was my favorite. My favorite power he had was he could fly. I so wanted to fly!! Honestly, I still do :) Here are two superpower GIFTS that God has given you and me. Forgiveness, and Thankfulness. These are both very powerful in your gift set from God. Forgiveness is giving away what has been given to you by Christ to others. THANKFULNESS is an act of praise to God. You are giving Him a gift that He has given you! You are also CHOOSING to trust God in hard situations. This is powerful to fight anxiety, fear, pain, and struggle. So how do we walk in thankfulness more often since it is a big deal? Some of the primers for this gift are found in these verses:
1.) Speak scripture to others
Can’t speak scripture to others if you're not reading scripture! This is one of the many reasons why daily scripture meditation is so valuable!
2.) Sing to and with others
Nowhere in the bible does it say if you can’t sing, don’t. It says SING!! Sing out loud. Sing to yourself. Sing to and with others!
3.) Sing to your heavenly Father!
What kind of praise music are you listening to? There is some good stuff out there, and some not-so-good stuff…theologically sound worship music is a must. Ask your Christian friends what they are listening to, and try it out. Great worship music points us to Jesus, and reminds us of who He is and how much he loves us!
What is your favorite song of all time?
Describe a place that fills you with joy
Do you ever sing at the top of your lungs in your car? Why or why not?