Ephesians 4:29,32
No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear. 32
And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.
I am a giver of grace
No one likes foul language directed at them. No one desires negative remarks made about them. This doesn’t mean that we don’t speak the truth in love to each other. There is a time and place for that. This scripture is about the GRACE you and I are called to give as we have been given. The love of God is seen from the Old Testament to the New Testament of God’s incredible love for us. We are called to be like our heavenly father! This is how you give GRACE today:
1.) Build up others with your words
“Great job on that project!”, “Thank you so much for…”, “Hey, I appreciate you!” You get the picture, right? Words matter!
2.) Be kind to others
The word kind actually means useful. Kindness is giving someone grace. Grace is useful to the soul! When we are kind because of Jesus, we are distributing His grace to others.
3.) Be compassionate
Christians are called to care about the details of others, as Christ has cared for the details in our lives. Again, grace received, grace given!
4.) Forgive those who have wronged you
Today you will struggle with some sin, either present or past. Because of Jesus, God has forgiven you. WE MUST GIVE THIS AMAZING GRACE AWAY TO OTHERS!! Scripture is clear that if people don’t forgive, Jesus will not forgive them (Matthew 6:15) This means that the act of forgiving others is directly connected to who you are in Christ!
What is something big that you have been forgiven for?
What prepares your heart to show this grace of forgiveness to others?
What is God saying to you right now?