Ephesians 2:12-13
At that time you were without Christ, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
I am near to God because of Christ’s blood
So first, let’s ask the question, what does “At that time” mean? This is talking about your pre-Jesus life. The choices, mindsets, and emotions, were all yours. Take a second and think about that. What real hope did you have? Maybe you had friends, maybe you had a career, maybe you had other things that the world defines as important, but what does God say about your status? Verse 12 lists them:
Without Christ
Not a part of God’s people
No promises, no guarantees
Without (real) hope
Without God
That’s pretty scary. As I was writing this, I was overwhelmed with the thought that I literally could not live without Christ. The truth is no one can!! So what hope do we have? What promises can we hold on to?
Verse 13 gives us incredible security:
Christ has drawn us close!
Christ has saved us through His blood.
Yes!! This is great news because you and I have no power to make ourselves clean enough to earn God’s love. Jesus had to do all the work for you! Because of His sacrifice, His love for you, and His drawing you close, you are saved!!
Pre-Jesus what were some of the lies you had to tell yourself to cope with fear and anxiety?
How important are promises to you? Name two
What did Christ do to save you?