2nd Corinthians 1:21-22
Now it is God who strengthens us together with you in Christ, and who has anointed us. 22 He has also put his seal on us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a down payment.
I have been strengthened, anointed, and sealed by God
My wife and I have three daughters. They are amazing! And you know what? I want EVERYONE to know they are my daughters!! I not only love them, I like them, I enjoy their company, they are fun to be around, and a valued part of our family! Here is the deal. THIS IS HOW GOD SEES YOU!!
Here is what the scripture says: 1) God strengthens us. Why? To empower you to be who He has called you to be! 2) He has anointed us. What? This means God is letting everyone know you are consecrated. Special. Important to Him. He wants EVERYONE to know this! 3) He’s put His seal upon us. A continued action letting you know you are valuable. 4) The Holy Spirit (fully God) has been given as a down payment. For what?? For God’s eternal promise to you that you are His…forever.
What’s the most important team/club/organization you have ever been a part of?
How does it feel to know that the creator of the universe wants EVERYONE to know that you are on His team??
When you feel valued, important, and desirable, what emotions do you feel?